import { WorkflowExecution, WorkflowExecutionBase, } from "./backends/backend.ts"; import { ClientOptions, signal, start } from "./client/init.ts"; import { PromiseOrValue } from "./promise.ts"; import { makeRandomWithSeed } from "./randomSeed.ts"; import { AwaitableCommands, InvokeHttpEndpointCommand, LocalActivityCommand, ScheduleActivityCommand, SleepCommand, WaitAllCommand, WaitAnyCommand, WaitForSignalCommand, } from "./runtime/core/commands.ts"; import { Arg } from "./types.ts"; export type ActivityResult = PromiseOrValue; /** * Returns if the given activity result is a generator or not. * @param value the activity result * @returns a typeguard for activity result. */ export const isValue = (value: ActivityResult): value is T => { return ( (value as Generator).next === undefined && (value as Promise).then === undefined ); }; /** * Activity is the signature of any activity. */ export type Activity = ( ...args: [...TArgs] ) => ActivityResult; /** * Activity executor receives an activity and executes it. */ export type ActivityExecutor = ( activity: Activity, ...args: [...TArgs] ) => ActivityResult; // deno-lint-ignore no-empty-interface export interface Metadata { } /** * WorkflowContext is used for providing api access to the workflow engine. */ export class WorkflowContext { private rand: () => number; constructor( public execution: WorkflowExecution, ) { this.rand = makeRandomWithSeed(; } /** * Start a new workflow execution */ public startExecution( exec: WorkflowExecutionBase, opts?: ClientOptions, ): LocalActivityCommand { return this.callLocalActivity(() => start(exec, opts)); } /** * Send a signal for the given workflow execution */ public sendSignal( executionId: string, _signal: string, payload: unknown, opts?: ClientOptions, ): LocalActivityCommand { return this.callLocalActivity(() => signal(executionId, _signal, payload, opts) ); } /** * waitForSignal wait for the given signal to be occurred. * @param signal the signal name */ public waitForSignal(signal: string): WaitForSignalCommand { return { name: "wait_signal", signal }; } /** * Executes the activity for the given context and args. * @param activity the activity that should be executed * @param input the activity args (optionally) */ public callActivity( activity: Activity, ...input: [...TArgs] ): ScheduleActivityCommand { return { name: "schedule_activity", activity, input }; } /** * Executes the activity for the given context and args. * @param activity the activity that should be executed */ public callLocalActivity( activity: () => PromiseOrValue, ): LocalActivityCommand { return { name: "local_activity", fn: activity }; } /** * Executes the http request for the given context and args. * @param url the fetch url */ public fetch( url: string, options?: { body?: string; headers?: Record; method?: string; }, format?: InvokeHttpEndpointCommand["responseFormat"], ): InvokeHttpEndpointCommand { return { name: "invoke_http_endpoint", url, ...options, responseFormat: format, }; } /** * stop the current workflow execution and sleep the given miliseconds time. * @param sleepMs the time in miliseconds */ public sleep(sleepMs: number): SleepCommand { // get the current date & time (as milliseconds since Epoch) const currentTimeAsMs =; const adjustedTimeAsMs = currentTimeAsMs + sleepMs; return this.sleepUntil(new Date(adjustedTimeAsMs)); } /** * UNDER TEST, wait all has a bug where the items where delivered out of the order. * Wait until all commands has completed and return an array of results. */ public _experimentalWaitAll(commands: AwaitableCommands[]): WaitAllCommand { return { name: "wait_all", commands, }; } /** * Wait until any of commands has completed and return its result. */ public waitAny(commands: AwaitableCommands[]): WaitAnyCommand { return { name: "wait_any", commands, }; } /** * stops the current workflow execution and sleep until the given date. * @param until the date that should sleep. */ public sleepUntil(until: Date): SleepCommand { return { name: "sleep", until }; } /** * Returns a random consistent with the given workflow execution * @returns a random float value. */ public random(): number { return this.rand(); } /** * Logs at least once with additional workflow information */ public log(message: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): LocalActivityCommand { const executionId =; const fn = function () { console.log( `[${new Date().toISOString()}][${executionId}]: ${message}`, ...optionalParams, ); }; Object.defineProperty(fn, "name", { value: "log" }); return this.callLocalActivity(fn); } }