import { acceptWebSocket, DenoServer, HTTPOptions, HTTPSOptions, isWebSocketCloseEvent, serve, serveTLS, WebSocket, } from "../deps.ts"; import { Client } from "./client.ts"; import { EventEmitter } from "./event_emitter.ts"; import { ITransmitterOptions } from "./interfaces.ts"; import { Packet } from "./packet.ts"; import { Transmitter } from "./transmitter.ts"; /** * The `SocketServer` class is responsible for creating a users socket server. * Similar to how Drash.Http.Server creates a server instance. */ export class Server extends EventEmitter { /** * A property to hold the Deno server. This property is set in * like so: * * this.deno_server = serve(); */ public deno_server: DenoServer | null = null; /** * A property to hold the hostname this server listens on. */ public hostname = "localhost"; /** * A property to hold the port this server listens on. */ public port = 1557; /** * A property to hold the transmitter. The transmitter is in charge of * transmitting data throughout the server-client lifecycle. */ public transmitter: Transmitter; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FILE MARKER - CONSTRUCTOR ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Construct an object of this class. * * @param transmitterOptions - See ITransmitterOptions. */ constructor(transmitterOptions?: ITransmitterOptions) { super(); this.transmitter = new Transmitter(this, transmitterOptions); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FILE MARKER - METHODS - PUBLIC //////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Close the server. */ public async close(): Promise { // Allow any messages in the pipeline to be properly handled before closing. Obviously a hack, but removing this block will sometimes cause some test cases to fail - still unsure why const p = new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(""); }, 1); // No real reason for it to be 1, other than this fixes the issue, and isn't a long ass time to wait - i did (edward) have it at 500, then eric suggested what happens at 1ms, so we changed it to that and funnily enough, it still fixes thee issue, which is why it is 1ms }); await p; // If there are messages still being sent, then make sure all of them are // sent before closing. while (true) { if (!this.sender.hasPackets()) { if (this.deno_server) { try { this.deno_server.close(); } catch (error) { break; } } } } } /** * Handles websocket connection. After a successful connection, the client * will be added to EventEmitter.clients and the server will start listening * to events. * * @param options - See HTTPOptions. * * @returns A Promise of DenoServer. */ public run(options: HTTPOptions): DenoServer { if (options.hostname) { this.hostname = options.hostname; } if (options.port) { this.port = options.port; } this.deno_server = serve(options); this.acceptWebSockets(); return this.deno_server; } /** * Handles websocket secure connection. After a successful connection, the * client will be added to EventEmitter.clients and the server will start * listening to events. * * @param options - See HTTPOptions. * * @returns A Promise of the DenoServer. */ public runTLS(options: HTTPSOptions): DenoServer { if (options.hostname) { this.hostname = options.hostname; } if (options.port) { this.port = options.port; } this.deno_server = serveTLS(options); this.acceptWebSockets(); return this.deno_server; } /** * Accept incoming web sockets as clients. */ protected async acceptWebSockets() { for await (const req of this.deno_server!) { const { conn, headers, r: bufReader, w: bufWriter, } = req; acceptWebSocket({ bufReader, bufWriter, conn, headers, }) .then(async (socket: WebSocket): Promise => { const clientId = conn.rid; const client = super.createClient(clientId, socket); try { await this.transmitter.handlePacket( new Packet( client, `connect`, ), ); for await (const message of socket) { // Handle binary if (message instanceof Uint8Array) { this.handleMessageAsBinary(client, message); // Handle strings } else if (typeof message === "string") { await this.handleMessageAsString(client, message); // Handle disconnects } else if (isWebSocketCloseEvent(message)) { await this.transmitter.handlePacket( new Packet( client, `disconnect`, ), ); super.removeClient(; } } } catch (e) { if (!socket.isClosed) { await socket.close(1000).catch(console.error); super.removeClient(; await this.transmitter.handlePacket( new Packet( client, `disconnect`, ), ); } } }) .catch(async (err: Error): Promise => { console.error(`failed to accept websocket: ${err}`); await req.respond({ status: 400 }); }); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FILE MARKER - METHODS - PROTECTED ///////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Handle a binary message sent by the socket client. * * @param client - The client instance. * @param message - The message the client sent. */ protected async handleMessageAsBinary(client: Client, message: Uint8Array) { const decoded = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder().decode(message)); const packet = new Packet(client,, decoded.message); return await this.transmitter.handlePacket(packet); } /** * Handle a string message sent by the socket client. * * @param client - The client instance. * @param message - The message the client sent. */ protected async handleMessageAsString( client: Client, message: string, ): Promise { switch (message) { case "id": return client.socket.send(`{ "data": "${}" }`); case "ping": return client.socket.send(`{ "data": "pong", "time": ${} }`); case "pong": return client.socket.send(`{ "data": "pong", "time": ${} }`); case "test": return client.socket.send( `Server started on ${this.hostname}:${this.port}.`, ); // If the message isn't any of the above, then it we expect the message // to be a JSON string. default: return await this.handleMessageAsJsonString(client, message); } } /** * Handle a message in the format of a JSON string. * * @param client - The client instance. * @param message - The message the client sent. */ protected async handleMessageAsJsonString( client: Client, message: string, ): Promise { try { const json = JSON.parse(message); // A send_packet message should be in the following format: // // { // "send_packet": { // "to": string, // "message": unknown // } // } // if (json.send_packet) { const packet = new Packet( client,, json.send_packet.message, ); return await this.transmitter.handlePacket(packet); } // A connect_to message should be in the following format: // // { // "connect_to": [ // "array", "of", "channels" // ] // } // if (json.connect_to) { json.connect_to.forEach((channelName: string) => { try { super.addClientToChannel(channelName,; client.socket.send(`Connected to ${channelName}.`); } catch (error) { client.socket.send(error.message); } }); return; } // A disconnect_from message should be in the following format: // // { // "disconnect_from": [ // "array", "of", "channels" // ] // } // if (json.disconnect_from) { json.disconnect_from.forEach((channelName: string) => { try { super.removeClientFromChannel(channelName,; client.socket.send(`Disconnected from ${channelName}.`); } catch (error) { client.socket.send(error.message); } }); return; } } catch (error) { client.socket.send(error.message); } } }